
Sunday, December 7, 2014

Day 7 - David's Tea

This is the third winter David’s Tea has been in downtown Charlottetown. For those of you that know me, you may be aware of my healthy addiction to tea, I can’t seem to get enough. I’ve tried every tea on their wall and had a massive collection of tea until recently when I decided I wasn’t buying anymore until I finished every last cup. I love tea straight up, iced and as a latte.

David's Tea has an incredible social media team always sharing great content and the best part is they interact with their customers. I would call myself a "superfan" of David’s Tea, I heard this term last year on Loni Stark’s blog. “Superfans are just what they sound like: the most loyal customers who are open to repeat purchases. They love your product or service and recommend it to others. They’re actively engaged in communities, discussing and commenting on their favorite brands. They even contribute user-generated content.”

And the best part is, superfans don’t get paid or compensated in any way. We do it because we love the product so much that we want the world to experience it too.

I love this quote on the David’s Tea website:
“So…why tea? Because it’s healthy, delicious and fun. Because it brings people together, all over the world. Because it’s the second-most popular drink on the planet, second only to water. And, quite simply, because it makes us happy.”

If you haven’t tried David’s Tea you have no idea what you are missing. You can find them on Twitter, Facebook, Instagramand via their website. Just this week they also launched a blog – very exciting!

#MyDowntownWishList includes:
 Christmas "Perfect" Mug

 stocking stuffers/tree ornaments

 holiday houses - loose tea and bottle of agave

 tea-infused chocolates and candy cane chocolate bark

timolino travel mug

Hard to believe a week has passed since #MyDowntownWishList begun. Still two more weeks of pre-paid MasterCards to be won every week day. Keep sharing your favourite things in Downtown Charlottetown :)

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